Friday, August 5, 2011

One Week Down, Five To Go!

Well, I've finished my first week of boot camp classes. It's hard, but not OMGI'mgonnadie hard. I did feel pretty terrible after the first class. I didn't think I was going to get Little Boy up into his car seat because my arms were so weak, lol.
It got better after the first class. I didn't really care for the instructor the first day, but the second two classes had better instructors. Cardio kickboxing was fun at first, but then my arms got tired. Then my legs got tired. Then it really wasn't fun anymore, lol.
Of course, my kids aren't used to any sort of daycare situation, so that's interesting. Today, Little Boy got bitten. Twice! Hard enough to leave teeth marks on his arm and hand. They had to put ice on it and everything, lol. Apparently, Little Boy wasn't really bothered much about the whole thing until I walked into the room to pick the boys up. Then, it was a capital offense!
Of course, I'm not really doing the whole diet thing, so I don't expect to lose any significant amount of weight. Baby steps, baby steps.

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